1. Key Information
  2. Governors


Our governors provide an exceptional level of challenge and support to our school on a voluntary basis with the sole ambition of raising standards and achievement.

The role the Local Governing Body is to:

  • implement and administer the Trust’s policies at local level and report termly to the Board of Trustees

  • monitor and be accountable for the performance and standards of the school to Ofsted

  • govern exclusions in accordance with appropriate regulations

  • consider budget monitoring information and proposals

  • act as a critical friend to the Headteacher

  • represent the views of the community

Our Local Governing Body:

Luke Williams - Chair / Parent Governor
Cllr John Wheeler - Vice Chair / Community Governor 
Chris Tavener - Co-Head Teacher
Emma Maguire - Co-Head Teacher
Carl Belle - Community Governor
Jo Urwin - Staff Governor
Faye Cawdell - Parent Governor
Wendy Burnett - Co-opted Governor
Rob Wainwright - Co-opted Governor 
Clerk: Please contact either School Office