Joining Our School
Children will be admitted into our Foundation Stage in the September following their fourth birthday. Parents wishing their child to attend Wootton Primary School need to apply to the Schools Admission Service at Borough Hall. The school has an agreed admission number of 120 for entry to the reception year and 120 for Year 1, 2, 3 and 4. Pupils moving into the catchment area outside the normal admissions round cannot be guaranteed a place if this would result in exceeding the school’s standard number.
In any situation where the application of the above criteria results in a situation where there are more children with an equal right to admission to the school than the number of available places, the County distance criterion will be used as a “tie-breaker” to resolve the matter. If the number of places in a particular year group is not sufficient to meet the requests of all parents, then the following criteria will be applied (in the rank order shown) to determine how places will be allocated:
1. All ‘looked after’ children
2. Pupils living in the catchment area with siblings at the school
3. Other pupils living in the catchment area
4. ‘Very exceptional’ medical grounds
5. Other siblings
6. Any other children.
Every effort is made to make a place for your child in our school. However, where the applications exceed the admission number agreed with the local authority, there may come a point where a place cannot be offered. If a place is not available on application you have the right to appeal to the School Admissions Service at Borough Hall. Appeals will be heard by an independent panel. A guide to Admission Appeals can be obtained from the admissions team via the County Council website.