2. Pupil Wellbeing

Pupil Wellbeing

At Wootton Primary School we aim to encourage the value of resilience in our pupils and strive to help pupils develop a Growth Mindset. Displays throughout the school encourage resilience through positive mottos, top tips and promoting the idea of understanding how we learn through metacognition and the idea of learning from mistakes.

As much as possible staff praise effort rather than attainment and this is reflected in our values assemblies as well as being communicated with parents through interim and end of year reports where pupil effort is shared with parents.

Staff use growth mindset language to encourage children to have an open mind, to consider mistakes as part of learning. Pupils are taught to accept that they will not understand/be able to do things straight away, it takes practice and that with effort and perseverance they can achieve. Pupils are  taught to see their mind as a muscle - the more they use it the stronger it gets.

Below are some useful tips for ways to encourage a Growth Mindset at home.


Young Carers


At Wootton Primary School we are aware that a number of our children qualify as Young Carers. A Young Carer is defined by the NHS as:’ A person under 18 who helps to look after a relative with a disability, illness, mental health condition or addiction’. This could be a parent, sibling or other close relative. As a way of supporting the children a Young Carers club is run at the Harris Way site every other week. The children take part in various activities including arts and crafts, cooking and sporting activities.  The activities they participate in are very much child led. If you feel that your child could benefit from this, please do not hesitate to contact the school.