Humanities at Wootton Primary School
At Wootton Primary School we teach humanities (Geography and History) through our topics. Wherever possible, we link these to our learning in the rest of the curriculum.
At Wootton Primary School, we aim to develop children’s sense of place. We teach geography to enable children to gain knowledge and understanding of places in the world (including both human and physical geography); and to increase their knowledge of other cultures. In so doing, they learn respect and understanding of what it means to be a positive citizen in a multi-cultural country. We also teach geography so that children learn graphic skills, including how to use, draw and interpret maps and to enable children to know and understand environmental problems at a local, regional, national and global scale. We encourage children’s commitment to sustainable development and an appreciation of what ‘global citizenship’ means. We also support the develop of a variety of other skills, including those of enquiry, problem solving, computing, investigation and how to present conclusions in the most appropriate way.
At Wootton Primary School, we believe that an understanding of history and their position within British and world history, is vital for our pupils’ development. It is our goal that they should develop a sense of chronology and time and an understanding of how people lived in the past. They should also have an awareness of life in different societies or cultures and a knowledge of how beliefs and cultures influenced people’s actions. We will teach them to have an understanding of cause and effect such as how events in history have changed our lives or affected the way in which we live as well as an understanding of how historical events and people have influenced our lives today. We will enhance their awareness of significant events and people in British and world history and expand their knowledge of local, national and international historical events. We will teach them the skills of enquiry, investigation, analysis, interpretation, evaluation and presentation .