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  3. Year 4 News

Year 4 News

Watercolour Butterfly Art

Year 4 have been working hard to develop their watercolour painting skills to produce some fantastic butterflies.  The children were inspired by conservation artists such as  Andy Warhol and Louis Masai.

Verulamium Roman Visit 

The children had a fantastic day at the Verulamium Roman museum in St Albans.  Exploring the remains of the amphitheatre, studying beautiful floor mosaics and handling 2000 year old artefacts, were just some of the amazing experiences enjoyed.  The children even got to stand at the very spot where Boudicca and her army fought back against the Romans!

Fantastic Mosaic Artwork in Progress

As part of the Romans theme this half term, Year 4 have been creating their own mosaic artwork.  The children studied classical Roman mosaics and the work of local mosaic artist Dionne Ible for ideas and inspiration.  

A Great Start for Year 4

The children have settled well into their new classes and have had a great first week. Here is just a taste of some of their work. Practical experiments in science, creating fantastic animal collages in art and solving problems in their outdoor adventurous activities in PE.