2. Subjects
  3. Science

Science at Wootton Primary School

Our Science teaching at Wootton Primary School offers opportunities for our children to develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.


We intend that pupils will develop an extensive and connected knowledge base – with new knowledge integrated into their existing schema. We intend that understanding grows cumulatively, as learning is broken into meaningful components. Substantive knowledge, secured alongside the disciplinary knowledge and skills of ‘scientific enquiry’, will enable pupils to become competent and confident scientists.



All pupils at Wootton Primary School are entitled to be taught the key knowledge and skills in the scientific disciplines to develop understanding of the world around them at an age-appropriate level and in line with the National Curriculum. We aim to harness children’s natural excitement and curiosity and inspire them to pursue scientific enquiry. As children progress through the school so does their confidence and knowledge of how to work scientifically and how to investigate. The main focus is that of developing scientific enquiry skills which are taught throughout. This enables the children to develop their investigative skills; observing, questioning, fair testing, predicting, measuring, recording, evaluating and concluding in a variety of lessons. Teachers should aim to nurture a love for the natural world, excitement for future possibilities in science and provide many opportunities for pupils to respond creatively in their learning. Our pupils are encouraged to understand how science can be used to explain what is happening, predict how things will behave, and analyse causes with an emphasis on evidence. Emphasis is also placed on practical science investigations to facilitate each child’s learning as this creates excitement and encourages first-hand experience, safe use of equipment, co-operation, enquiring minds, the enjoyment of discovering surprising results and the development of investigative skills. Through our continuing emphasis on the importance of Science, both in school and around the world, our children develop a clearer understanding of how science influences and changes their lives and how it is vital to the world’s future prosperity.


Children in EYFS will enter Year 1 with a wide range of vocabulary to describe natural and man-made phenomena around them, they will have had extensive opportunities to play with and explore a range of different materials, plants, animals and seasonal conditions, and will have developed a sense of curiosity, respect and affection for the natural world. In Key Stage 1 and Lower Key Stage 2, children will strive to achieve the national standard in all substantive and disciplinary areas of the National Curriculum for Science at Primary Level through appropriate scaffolding. Teachers will be able to assess children in full confidence, and be able to draw on a range of strategies to help children who are struggling. Children who achieve the standard easily will be given opportunities to deepen their understanding via supportive questioning or extension activities.


Through our continuing emphasis on the importance of Science, both in school and around the world, our children develop a clearer understanding of how science influences and changes their lives and how it is vital to the world’s future prosperity. By the time our children leave Wootton Primary School, they will have an understanding of; animals, plants and humans, Light, sound, electricity, forces (push, pull and magnetic) and materials. Similarly, they will have a growing knowledge of our earth; how seasons are created and how gravity works. Children will enjoy and value their science lessons, and be able to speak about the importance of sustainability and respect for the environment. Our children leaving the school will be able to access the Upper Key Stage 2 Science curriculum immediately.


Celebrating our Science


We learn more from looking for an answer and not finding it than we do from the answer itself. 
Lloyd Alexander (Author)


Love Science?

Try these at home...

The following websites have a range of fun experiments you can try with your children at home.