2. Our Aims and Values

Our Aims and Values

Our aim is to create a caring community in which your child can feel happy and secure and where your child’s intellectual and physical potential can develop to the full, thus equipping them for life in the modern world.

We aim to:
- provide a happy, safe and stimulating environment where each child can enjoy learning
- provide opportunities and experiences where each child can acquire knowledge, develop concepts, skills understanding and lay the foundations for the future
- enable all our pupils to develop into successful,  motivated learners who excel
- nurture and develop every child to become  responsible and caring members of the community
- work in genuine partnership with families and the wider community
- provide for every child an enjoyable curriculum in a  high quality, stimulating environment
- challenge, support and develop our staff to  create an outstanding team.

'Believe Achieve Thrive' was created by our pupils, staff, governors and parents.  
This vision is delivered in our school in the following ways:- 


How do we ensure children continue to ‘Believe’ in themselves? 
At an early age our pupils should feel they are invincible.   They will say they are great artists, athletes, gymnasts, writers, mathematicians.  However during their time in education they will be constantly academically stretched, being set work that they will find difficult to complete and they will get things wrong.   Almost on a daily basis.  The skill of the teacher is to ensure our pupils embrace making mistakes as a positive learning experience by helping the children to develop a ‘growth mindset’ (reference Carol Dweck).  This is achieved through strong relationships, values education and the language we use with them where we praise specifically what they have done well. With this growth mindset our children will continue to believe in themselves despite being challenged.


What does ‘Achieve’ look like?
We do not believe there is a conflict between achieving high educational standards and developing the whole person.  Through delivering a wide and exciting curriculum, running a varied enrichment programme including extra lunchtime activities and clubs, embracing values education and empowering our student voice, our pupils will achieve above and beyond what our hard academic data will show.  ‘Achievement’ will be captured by the smiles in the classrooms as the children make progress, in the level of pride our pupils have with themselves and from knowing right and wrong. They will be happy and feel safe.  It will also be evident in our continued strong academic achievements which will run alongside.


What does ‘Thrive’ mean?
As we grow older the challenge for all of us is to resist the mass thinking that we cannot do things or others are always better than us.  A plant will grow with air, light and water but will thrive by additionally having heat, soil and nutrients.  We provide the ‘extra’ things the pupils need to thrive by creating opportunities for them to grow e.g. by starring in Wootton’s Got Talent, taking the choir to the 02, weekly celebration assemblies and afternoon tea, attending different sporting events and activities and by employing the right staff who care deeply for your children.  Our aim is to ensure our pupils leave our school as able, confident and resilient young adults.  ​

We achieve these things amidst different challenges and appreciate your support and ideas if we could do things even better. 


SMSC and British Values

Our Inclusive values led ethos, our broad and balanced curriculum and our clear, concise school rules support all of our pupils’ development in Personal, Social Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE) and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development (SMSC) and fully promote core British values.