2. Subjects
  3. Computing

Computing at Wootton Primary School

We deliver our Computing content using the Purple Mash suite of programs.  Each year group covers units covering coding, making digital artefacts, e-safety and much more!   This allows the children to focus on the skills they are developing and the tasks become progressively more complex through the school.

Year 1 use iPads to complete tasks and years 2-4 use mostly Chromebooks to deliver our curriculum.  

Take a look at some of our work...

Year 1

Year 2 

Year 3

Year 4

Our view of computing

As the world around us becomes increasingly controlled and enhanced by technology, we believe at Wootton Primary School that the computing curriculum we provide will equip our pupils with the skills, knowledge and confidence to make the most of the opportunities and challenges they will face in the future.   Digital literacy is a life skill necessary in every aspect of our personal and working lives and so the acquisition and development of these skills is vital for our pupil’s future achievement.
Our aims are to fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum for Computing whilst also providing enhanced learning opportunities, links to topic learning where this is appropriate and ensuring that technology assists with the effective learning of all children within our school.  For children who face additional challenges to access the wider curriculum, we aim to use technology to provide solutions that allow them to thrive alongside their peers.

“A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world” National Curriculum

Our Computing curriculum aims to enthuse and engage every child and to engender creativity and logical thinking. The teaching of Computing has links with mathematics, science, art, English and design and technology and we believe that we can provide this broad and balanced curriculum whilst ensuring that pupils become digitally literate and digitally resilient. Technology is ever evolving and we aim to develop pupils who problem solve and develop their ideas through information and communication technology.  A skills based curriculum will ensure that our children develop the flexible abilities needed to tackle challenges in the future that we have yet to conceive.  This will enrich all aspects of their futures.
At the heart of our teaching of computing is safeguarding, as the challenges of social media and the ever expanding internet make it imperative that children are aware of how to use technology responsibly and safely.  Also, how to minimise the risk of unsuitable content to themselves and others, including what to do when an issue occurs.